Kids, as you may well know, I'm a fan of the comedies.  Every night, pretty late, we do our thing thing here on BOB FM.  I try to bring part information (about the artists we play, news and the like) and the other part is something I affectionately term "nonsense" or "malarkey."  Basically, I'm just amusing myself, and hopefully that in turn will amuse you.

One thing we do every night at about 11:30 p.m. or so, for you night owls out there, is our Comedy Minute.  You probably hear a different one every night.  But I understand not everyone can stay up that late! And I know that some of you might like to re-live some of our Comedy Minutes.  So what I've decided to do is not unlike our Secret Stash posts, I'm going to put up a little minute or so of Hilarity and hopefully you'll enjoy it!

Today's segment is particuarly good for the visual that comes along with it.  NOW.  There are a few swears, so be prepared for that.  Otherwise, enjoy!
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Giggily yours,

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