Kids, back in "the day" there were a few songs here and there that you'd hear and then you'd never hear from that artist again. Who are we kidding, there are still plenty of those every day, right?  Well, back in the late nineties I was engrossed in the "Alternative" music scene, so I found a lot of those.Here recently I went through my personal music history and found some stuff to add here and there for our evening show.  I always add little things here and there to our playlist, from Jimi Hendrix to the Rascals to P!nk and everything in between.  Well, I've also added some stuff like one hit wonders like Nada Surf, The Eels, Scapegoat Wax, Travis, Marcy Playground, you know, just stuff here and there.   And I thought for our Stash today we'd re-visit some of those, and bring you another song might not have heard from that group.

Nerf Herder is one of those kind of Blink 182 groups of that late nineties period.  The difference, I suppose is that Nerf Herder brought more humor in their lyrics, whereas Blink were more focused on their humor in the video portions of their work.  So here's a power rock ballad with a sense of humor, "Pantera Fans In Love".



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