While rumors regarding a Broadway musical based on Kurt Cobain's early years appear to have been untrue, Courtney Love seems to be going forward with another project to honor her late husband. Apparently, she has given the go-ahead for a documentary with an expected release date of 2014.

The film will be helmed by Brett Morgen, who most recently directed 'Crossfire Hurricane,' the documentary about the Rolling Stones debuting on HBO tonight (Nov. 15).

“Courtney is the one that brought me into this,” Morgen told the New York Post, even though they improperly spelled his last name as "Morgan." "We’ve been trying to find the right time to put this film together and the time is now . . . Kurt was not only an amazing songwriter and musician, he was an incredible artist and filmmaker. So we are going to do the movie sort of like a third-person autobiography — [as] if Kurt was around and making a film about his life.”

Morgen also said that he and Love had been discussing the project since 2007. Neither Krist Novaselic nor Dave Grohl, Cobain's bandmates in Nirvana, have made any statements regarding the film.

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