Today (July 10), is Arlo Guthrie's 67th birthday. He is perhaps most known for his song, 'Alice's Restaraunt' and I can remember every Thanksgiving, listening to this song on the radio, ever since I was little.

One year, I was fortunate to see Arlo Guthrie, in Warrensburg, at what was then Central Missouri State University and is now University of Central Missouri. Guthrie played as part of the Performing Arts Series, when I was in high school. My parents took me to this show. At that time, just like probably many teenagers, I really only knew 'Alice's Restaraunt'.  By the end of the show, I discovered that I knew a lot more than that.

One of my favorite lasting impressions from that show, was how he introduced it. He comes out onto the stage and sits down and says, "Good evening, it's great to be here and it's great to be someplace I've never been before."  I think that must be true for a lot of musicians, but for a folk artist, he probably traveled all over the country and played every place he could.

I would love to get the chance to see him again and just discovered, he is playing at the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival in Okemah, Oklahoma. Can you say road trip!

Here is some of my favorite songs from Arlo Guthrie.

5. Last Train To Glory-----A true telling of the mix of folk and country. This was one of my favorite slower songs he did, but very moving.

4.Coming In To Los Angeles---- I just love how he says Los Angeles, but it sounds like a pretty good trip. However, I will say asking the customs man to not check your bags is not a very good idea in this day and age.

3. Motorcycle (Significance of the Pickle)--- I mean how can you get away with singing this song, but hey he did make a living off this one. This is a classic example of his storytelling, coming to life in song and words.

2. City of New Orleans--- This is my sentimental pick, but how can you rank a song over what I think everyone knows him for.

1.  Alice's Restaraunt


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