This blog is not for the children, nor is it a bah humbug blog. I in fact, love Christmas. I'm grateful for the reason for the season, the spirit it brings out in most, the giving and not wanting anything in return, the sound of the Salvation Army Bells, all of it. Except Santa.  That guy gets on my nerves.

I work my tail off year 'round in order to be able to buy my kids a nice present or two during Christmas, and who gets the credit? Santa! Huh? What?!?!

That bastard didn't didn't cut one commercial or do one show or one remote or one ballgame, nor did he put a dime in my checking account!  Luckily, my kids are too old for that now, but I used to get steamed staying up all night trying to find out where that last screw went, just to hear how wonderful Santa is the next morning when the presents were open.  I'd put arsenic in his milk if it wouldn't kill me.

Anyway Merry Christmas, hope you get caught in a chimney somewhere in Bulgaria!

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