Two decades after it was originally rejected by the city of Aberdeen, Wash., a statue of Kurt Cobain was unveiled there yesterday on what would have been the Nirvana leader's 47th birthday.

According to Komo News, Aberdeen resident Randi Hubbard began working on the statue 20 years ago, not long after Cobain committed suicide. Art students from the area helped her complete the project, but the city wanted nothing to do with it.

They've now changed their minds. Apparently, the fact that Cobain was a heavy drug user didn't sit too well with the people who run Aberdeen, the late legend's hometown. Oh, and he used to talk s--- about the city too, so that probably didn't help things.

In the above video, a bunch of locals talk about the statue, which was dedicated as part of Kurt Cobain Day yesterday. And frankly, we can see why Aberdeen officials were a bit wary of having the thing representing their city. The dude depicted in the statue really doesn't look all that much like Cobain. And what's with the teardrop rolling down his face? Still, it's the thought that counts, right?

That at least seems to be the attitude of mayor Bill Simpson, who said, "We want him to be known for his music. This has been a long time coming. We should have done it long ago." No s---.

For the past 20 years, the statue sat in the sculptor's muffler shop, where fans would flock to take a look at it (and presumably inhale a ton of exhaust fumes). Its new home is at the Aberdeen Museum of History, where it will take its place alongside other local artifacts like . . . um, can anyone help out here?

Either way, the museum boasts more than 5,000 visitors annually, and they're expecting an upswing now that they have concrete Kurt in their possession. Maybe that's why he's crying.

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