As we all know, spring has turned to summer. And summer is a time for..... change.

Sadly for me, this means that my hair refuses to resemble anything that isn't a LadyFro.


See? What is up with that?


It's like it has a mind of its own half the time. If I go to efforts to de-frizz and straighten it out, that takes, frankly, what feels like forever. If I let it go, it's worse than that. It's just a full on frizz ball. That, as seen above, is what my hair does when I let it curl and attempt to do frizz control.

I get my thick, curly hair from my dad. But, see, my dad, being a dude, has the luxury of just shaving his head whenever he feels like it and that is deemed attractive and acceptable. I, meanwhile, just attempt to... control it, and I have limited success with that. But really, I'm glad I have something going on there. At least I have hair, right?

I guess sometimes I can make it look nice, but often it's just a mess no matter what I do. And even if it does look nice, half the time I end up just putting it up because in the summer I really don't like to feel it on the back of my neck. So what's a lady to do, huh?

What about you? Do you have any hair woes or happiness to share? Is it as bad as I think for everyone, or just me?

Frizzily yours,

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