Today I've  got a list  of seven RIDICULOUS traffic laws that are REAL.  At least Yahoo SAYS they're real.  Sometimes it seems like these things only exist on the Internet, but they've been copied-and-pasted so many times people believe they're real.

Anyway, let's not let our jaded skepticism ruin something this stupid.  Here are seven U.S. traffic laws that are real, as far as we know:

#1.)  If you're convicted of a DUI in New Jersey, you're permanently banned from getting a personalized vanity license plate.

#2.)  It's illegal to ride a camel on the highway in Nevada.

#3.)  It's illegal to drive barefoot in Alabama.

#4.)  It's illegal to drive with a GORILLA in your backseat in Massachusetts.

#5.)  If you tie an elephant to a parking meter in Florida, you have to pay the meter just like you would for a car.

#6.)  It's illegal to wipe your car with USED UNDERWEAR in San Francisco.

#7.)  It's illegal to drive NAKED in Sag Harbor, New York.  (Leave the sagging to the harbor, amiright?  Hellloooo?  ANYONE???) 

My Dad used to tell me that it's illegal in Sedalia to dress up in a squirrel suit and spit on the sidewalk.  Does anybody know if that's true?  Have you heard of any crazy laws in Pettis County?  Lay em on me!

Lawfully yours,


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