National Anthem

Canadian Singer Flubs U.S. National Anthem at Junior Hockey Game
Canadian Singer Flubs U.S. National Anthem at Junior Hockey Game
Canadian Singer Flubs U.S. National Anthem at Junior Hockey Game
Oh, Canada, indeed! Canadian singer Alexis Normand forgot the words of “The Star-Spangled Banner” prior to the Memorial Cup junior hockey championships on Saturday in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. As the Halifax Mooseheads and Portland Winterhawks nervously waited for the opening face-off, Normand sang her way into infamy. Watch her ...
Parkview Pizzazz Perform the National Anthem at Missouri Maverick’s Hockey Playoff Game
Parkview Pizzazz Perform the National Anthem at Missouri Maverick’s Hockey Playoff Game
Parkview Pizzazz Perform the National Anthem at Missouri Maverick’s Hockey Playoff Game
The Parkview Pizzazz singing group for students in 2nd to 4th grade at Parkview Elementary in Sedalia performed at the Missouri Maverick's Playoff Hockey Game in Independence on Saturday (April 6). The group was invited to sing at the Kansas City Maverick's Hockey game In the fall.  Since the team made it to the playoffs, they invited the choir back to sing the National Anthem before the game. The
National Anthem Poll
National Anthem Poll
National Anthem Poll
For the last 10 years, six of those in Sedalia, I have played the National Anthem each morning before the show.  It is generally not something I point out nor do I put a lot of pomp and circumstance around it.  I just play it.  Last week, a friend of mine contacted me to tell me that she used my show as a history lesson. It seems her cousin who is in 6th grade didn't know what our National Anthem