
Most Boring Places In Illinois: Travel Site Names The 10 Yawniest
Most Boring Places In Illinois: Travel Site Names The 10 Yawniest
Most Boring Places In Illinois: Travel Site Names The 10 Yawniest
After making the mistake of once telling my dad I was bored during summer vacation and having him find lots of chores for me to fix that, I've been careful about saying something is boring. However, travel websites that track these sorts of things have no problem at all telling you that Illinois has got some seriously dull places to visit...assuming you'd ever want to.
Shocker! The Town Named "Illinois' Most Charming" Isn't Galena
Shocker! The Town Named "Illinois' Most Charming" Isn't Galena
Shocker! The Town Named "Illinois' Most Charming" Isn't Galena
Wait, what? I thought that if you were going to put together a piece about the most charming, beautiful, romantic, scenic, historic, welcoming, or interesting town in Illinois you had to write about Galena. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting Galena, but they're always being named number-one for something...but not in this category.

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