Missouri Secretary of State Denny Hoskins says the newly-introduced “Gateway Card” for St. Louis residents cannot be used as valid form of identification when voting
Unidentified drones spotted in multiple states, sparking legal questions on shooting them down. Find out why it's a federal crime to shoot a drone in Missouri.
Missouri voters passed constitutional ammendments regarding women's reproductive rights, sports betting, and more clearly defining who can vote in Missouri elections, while rejecting a new casino license for the ozarks and court fees to support salaries and benefits for Sheriffs and court personnell. Additionally voters passed a proposition that will raise the minimum wage.
Election results from November 5, 2024, from Pettis and Johnson County Missouri for the offices of Eastern and Western Commissioner, Sheriff, Public Administratior, and Treasurer.
Missouri voters went to the polls on November 5, 2024 and elected the following officials to national or state wide office including President of the United States, The U.S. Senate, The House of Representitives, Governor, Missouri Secretary of State, and other state wide offices.