Have you noticed an increased amount of scam calls and texts? A new warning for Missourians is urging residents to block these numbers if they see them.

Warning Phone Numbers

These phone numbers can say anything. From your packages being delayed, or that our bank account being frozen it's just a way for these scammers to get you to either text back to to click the link. DON'T.

Thom Holmes on Unsplash
Thom Holmes on Unsplash

Been Verified has several numbers to avoid this so you don't get drawn into a scam and out hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars.

Biggest Scam Alerts

  • Texting Scams - Trying to get users to click on links to steal personal information
  • Bank/Credit Card Imposters Cons - Impresonated a representative from your bank to steal personal information.
  • Delivery Scams - Scammers use well-known delivery companies in an attempt to have you click the link they sent to get your personal info.
  • You Won A Prize - Responding to a text that you won a prize and click the link to find out more

Do Not Answer These 5 Phone Numbers

Scams are getting more creative every day, but some can cause you to lose your identity and your hard-earned money. Experts are warning Missouri & Illinois residents to not answer or respond to texts to these 5 phone numbers.

Gallery Credit: Samantha Barnes

LOOK: The biggest scams today and how you can protect yourself from them

Using data from the BBB Scam Tracker Annual Risk Report, Stacker identified the most common and costly types of scams in 2022.

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