S-C’s Glaster Earns $100,000 ‘Man In The Arena’ Scholarship
Jeffthan Glaster sat amid his fellow Crowder City residents at Missouri Boys State, praying that he would hear his name called. Prayer answered, promise delivered.
Glaster, an incoming senior at Smith-Cotton High School, was awarded the “Man In The Arena” Vogel Family Scholarship worth up to $100,000 during the closing convocation of the 2024 session of Missouri Boys State on July 6 at Lindenwood University in St. Charles. The scholarship is awarded annually to one Missouri Boys State participant based on merit of the applicant and need; it is named in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt’s “Citizen in a Republic” speech, which was a call to citizens to engage in public service.
“As announcements were being made, I had been praying,” Glaster said. “When I heard my name called, I felt very joyful, thankful, and my determination moving forward only grew. My thoughts were solely focused on thanking everyone that had aided me towards that opportunity and into the man I am today: The Lord, my family, my mentors, my educators, and my friends.”
After being congratulated by his Boys State friends, Glaster started sending texts and emails to thank his support network, including his mother, Ruth Martinez; Smith-Cotton High Principal Wade Norton and S-C social studies teacher Tyler Janke, who provided a letter of recommendation as part of Glaster’s scholarship application. Janke wrote that Glaster “possesses great dreams and goals in life, and I am fully confident he will achieve each and every one of them. I believe his work ethic and studious personality will help him achieve his utmost potential.”
Glaster plans to attend the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s six-year accelerated B.A/M.D. medical program with the goal of being an orthopedic surgeon.
“I want to aid the Sedalia community through my skills and hope that impact can grow with time to other areas in need of medical support,” he said. “I will most likely major in either business or law so that I have the educational background for other career goals.”
His S-C activities include Speech & Debate, band (jazz, marching, concert), choir, Thespian Society, Math Team, HOSA, FCCLA, FBLA, tennis, track, Scholar Bowl, Envirothon, Medical Explorers, and Anatomage, which is a 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education. Glaster also has been championing a project to extend sidewalks around Smith-Cotton High School, past the Loftus Early Childhood Center and up Tiger Pride Boulevard to 65 Highway.
The “Man In The Arena” scholarship is a blessing and a relief for Glaster.
“This will be a huge help towards my goal of completing higher education/medical school without loans,” he said. “Every scholarship I receive puts me closer to my goal and alleviates some of the stress and pressure I feel every day.”

Glaster expressed gratitude to the Sedalia Sons of the Legion, who sponsored his participation at Missouri Boys State. He also provided encouragement to other students with aspirations.
“Everyone can achieve great things and their goals with the right attitude and hard work, just as I have,” he said. “I know it has been said and sounds obvious/cliché, but it is so true. There are many amazing organizations and scholarships out there, but you need to go out and take advantage of them to the best of your abilities. Time is your greatest resource, especially in your youth; don't waste what you've been given.”