
Yikes, It’s HOT!
Yikes, It’s HOT!
Yikes, It’s HOT!
It's hard to believe it's only a couple days officially into summer and it's already 96 degrees, with temperatures to expected to reach 101 degrees Thursday and Friday.  I am supposed to Emcee a music festival in Slater Missouri on Saturday, so I haven't looked that far out to see what the weather man says it's supposed to be. I'm too scared.
Summer Solstice, or As We Call It Around Here, Wednesday
Summer Solstice, or As We Call It Around Here, Wednesday
Summer Solstice, or As We Call It Around Here, Wednesday
June 20, 2012: The summer solstice. I could give you a big long drawn out explanation of this, but basically it means the longest day of the year.  By 10:30 in the morning, I already had two meetings...yay!  Longest day of the year.  I started a diet today...yay! Longest day of the year! My air conditioning went out..yay! Longest day of the year.  My wife is in the kitchen again...yay! Longest day