Since we all started hunkering down in March and staying inside more due to the coronavirus, have you had what you would call a "normal weekend" since it all started?

For many the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that the weekends mean staying inside and isolating. To others it really hasn't changed too much. Plans have been made to get away and executed. But one question I have for you is, have you had the opportunity to spend the weekend by yourself? No on else bugging significant other...just you.

As we get older we find the time is a rare commodity. Coming and going with work, kids, schedules and everything in-between. If you were given 48 hours to yourself, how would you spend it?

Ever just think that if you just had one weekend off you would get the rest you so much desired and needed and you'd be able to catch up on the things you feel like you're always behind?

It would start Friday afternoon at 5:00 and you would be able to choose whatever you wanted to do until 5:00 p.m. Sunday.  Do you think you would actually get stuff done, i.e., knock things off that to-do list, or would it be a weekend of just doing nothing?

I don't know many that have this luxury but maybe it should be something we do once or twice a year just to recharge our batteries.

So the next time your spouse says, "What do you want to do this weekend", maybe that "free weekend" card should be played!

What do you think?


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