The 2013 Oscar nominations were announced this morning by Oscar host and 'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane and 'Gangster Squad' star Emma Stone at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills. MacFarlane is the first Oscar host to actually announce the nominees since Charlton Heston's turn in 1972. So who are the 2013 Oscar nominees? Who were the big surprises and the big snubs? Find out!

The 2013 Oscar nominations were broadcast from Los Angeles and if you didn't watch the announcements live, you can watch a replay using the YouTube player below. Seth MacFarlane and Emma Stone only revealed the nominees in the major categories so make sure to check below to see the full list of 2013 Oscar nominees.

UPDATE: The full list of Oscar nominees are below! 'Lincoln' was the big winner with 12 total nominations. It was a surprising morning that included snubs for Ben Affleck and Kathryn Bigelow for their work directing 'Argo' and 'Zero Dark Thirty' respectively. Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson, whose villainous turns in 'Django Unchained' left many thinking they were frontrunners for the Best Supporting Actor nomination, were passed over for their co-star Christoph Waltz (who previously won for another Quentin Tarantino film, 'Inglourious Basterds'). 'Amour' and 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' were surprise nominations and 'Beasts' star Quvenzhané Wallis - who was six when the film was shot - becomes the youngest actor ever nominated for a lead performance.

Also surprising is that this marks the first Oscar nomination for 'The Simpsons.' Yes those 'Simpsons.' The long-running animated TV series was nominated for an Oscar for the theatrical short film 'Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare".'

It's also to note that 'Les Miserable' will go up against 'Ted' for Best Original Song, which makes for an interesting competition.

Best Picture
'Les Miserables'
'Zero Dark Thirty'
'Silver Linings Playbook'
'Life of Pi'
'Django Unchained'
'Beasts of the Southern Wild'

Best Actor
Daniel Day Lewis, 'Lincoln'
Joaquin Phoenix, 'The Master'
Denzel Washington, 'Flight'
Hugh Jackman, 'Les Miserables'
Bradley Cooper, 'Silver Linings Playbook'

Best Actress
Jennifer Lawrence, 'Silver Linings Playbook'
Jessica Chastain, 'Zero Dark Thirty'
Quvenzhané Wallis, 'Beasts of the Southern Wild'
Naomi Watts, 'The Impossible'
Emmanuelle Riva, 'Amour'

Best Supporting Actor
Tommy Lee Jones, 'Lincoln'
Philip Seymour Hoffman, 'The Master'
Robert De Niro, 'Silver Linings Playbook'
Alan Arkin, 'Argo'
Christoph Waltz, 'Django Unchained'

Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway, 'Les Miserables'
Amy Adams, 'The Master'
Sally Field, 'Lincoln'
Helen Hunt, 'The Sessions'
Jacki Weaver, 'Silver Linings Playbook'

Best Director
Steven Spielberg, 'Lincoln'
Benh Zeitlin, 'Beasts of the Southern Wild'
Ang Lee, 'Life of Pi'
Michael Haneke, 'Amour'
David O. Russell, 'Silver Linings Playbook'

Best Original Screenplay
'Zero Dark Thirty'
'Moonrise Kingdom'
'Django Unchained'

Best Adapted Screenplay
'Beasts of the Southern Wild'
'Life of Pi'
'Silver Linings Playbook'

Best Animated Feature
'The Pirates: Band of Misfits'
'Wreck-It Ralph'

Best Foreign Film
'A Royal Affair'
'War Witch'

Best Documentary Feature
'5 Broken Cameras'
'The Gatekeepers'
'How to Survive a Plague'
'The Invisible War'
'Searching for Sugar Man'

Best Cinematography
'Anna Karenina'
'Django Unchained'
'Life of Pi'

Best Production Design
'Anna Karenina'
'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'
'Les Misérables'
'Life of Pi'

Best Original Song
"Before My Time," 'Chasing Ice'
"Pi's Lullaby, 'Life of Pi'
"Suddenly," 'Les Miserables'
"Everybody Needs a Best Fried," 'Ted'
"Skyfall," 'Skyfall'

Best Documentary Short
'Kings Point'
'Mondays at Racine'
'Open Heart'

Best Live Action Short
'Buzkashi Boys'
'Death of a Shadow (Dood van een Schaduw)'

Best Costume Design
'Anna Karenina'
'Les Miserables'
'Mirror Mirror'
'Snow White and the Huntsman'

Best Editing
'Life of Pi'
'Silver Linings Playbook'
'Zero Dark Thirty'

Best Makeup and Hairstyling
'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'
'Les Misérables'

Best Score
'Anna Karenina'
'Life of Pi'

Best Sound Editing
'Django Unchained'
'Life of Pi'
'Zero Dark Thirty'

Best Sound Mixing
'Les Misérables'
'Life of Pi'

Best Visual Effects
'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'
'Life of Pi'
'The Avengers'
'Snow White and the Huntsman'

Best Animated Short
'Adam and Dog'
'Fresh Guacamole'
'Head over Heels'
'Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"'

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