Folks, the Sedalia Chamber of Commerce had their Piccadilly celebration fundraiser last night.  It was a great time, wonderful food, awesome ladies, and a great way to support Sedalia. I'll have pictures later.  I'm not saying it got a little crazy, but.... I will say I wanted to take things a little quieter this morning. Not that I'm hungover or anything. Nope.  Not me.  And no, I did not get made fun of by Boyfriendo when he picked us up at the end of the night.  Nope.


I've got some news, and frankly, it's about GOTT-DAMM time.  Science has FINALLY figured out the undisputed best way to cure a hangover.  Although it's not exactly revolutionary.

 Michael Oshinsky is a researcher at Thomas Jefferson University, and he tested different hangover cures on lab rats.  And he found the best way to beat a hangover is . . . COFFEE and ASPIRIN.  That's it.

Kind of a let down, huh.

 Oshinsky found that you get a hangover because of a chemical that alcohol can produce.  Caffeine and anti-inflammatory medicine block that chemical . . . so the combo of coffee and aspirin relieves hangover symptoms.

 He also found that hangovers have nothing to do with being dehydrated . . . so you don't have to worry that drinking coffee is going to make things worse by dehydrating you even more.

There you have it.  Although I'm sure none of you ladies attending last night's festivities will be needing that cure.  No way.

In Denial,


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