We have all had those nasty chigger bites before. You are at risk of getting them any time you step outside in this nice weather. But how do you get rid of them effectively and fast?! You can either go to the drug store and get hydrocortisone cream, or you can open up your medicine cabinet and use these great tips from right in the comfort of your home!

Step 1)  Take a hot shower the moment that you realize you have a chigger bite. Scrub your body with soap to remove any additional chiggers from your skin. A shower will also help to minimize skin reactions from the bites.

Step 2) Use an antihistamine or topical hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itching. Alternatively, apply an icepack or a cold compress to the area to stop the itching.

Step 3) Avoid scratching. Trim your fingernails closely if you're struggling to stop scratching the bite. If you do break the skin, then apply an antiseptic ointment to prevent infection.

Step 4) Here's a simple solution, that's been used for more than a century. Take a partial jar of Vicks Vaporub, add a couple of tablespoons of regular table salt to it.

Step 5) Stir it up and then apply a small amount to each bite. The purpose of the Vicks is to hold the salt granules in place, and the menthol alleviates the itching.

Step 6) Make sure to have three or four salt granules right on top of the bite. Put it on when you go to bed, and when you wake up the swelling is down, it no longer itches and the chigger is dead and gone. If you have any residual inflammation, apply it again the second night. That 1/4 full or less jar of Vicks that you added salt to? It'll last you 10 to 20 years.

Alternative to VicksApply clear nail polish or Elmer's glue to the bites. Doing this will help to alleviate scratching. Grind up some aspirin into a powder. Apply the powder to the chigger bite. Make a paste of baking soda and water. After showering, apply the paste to your bites. Put a topical ingredient on the bite. You can dab Listerine on the bite, apply castor oil or spread on some Vick's Vap-o-Rub or Rawleigh's Medicated Ointment. The Camphor, Menthol & Eucalyptus oils in both will help stop itching & aid in quick healing of the bites.

Good Luck!!

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