After three years, the freeze on Medicaid insurance payments instituted during the COVID public health emergency is ending for people on Medicaid programs CHIP, Ticket to Work Health Assurance Program and the Spend Down Program.

This is of critical importance because these programs cover the most vulnerable people in our community: children, the elderly, blind and people with disabilities,  according to Shannon O’Brien, Page Communications.


People enrolled in the CHIP and Ticket to Work programs MUST pay their May invoices in order to be covered beginning June 1. If they are not paid, the person will be dropped from the program. Premium payments will be required to be paid every month thereafter.


People on the Spend Down program must begin paying their spend down amount to MO HealthNet in May to have coverage June 1.


There are only a few days left, and MPCA and its partner health centers across Missouri are trying to get word of the new premium payment requirements to people who utilize these very important programs and are unaware of the changes.

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