Upwards of six years, we’ve waited for Game of Thrones’ Daenerys to finally make landfall in recognizable parts of Westeros and take back the throne. Well, she’s not quite in Kings’ Landing just yet, but a new Season 7 photo finally shows us the moment her real journey begins.

Game of Thrones
Dany entering her ancestral home of DragonstoneTime Magazine

Elsewhere of Game of Thrones Season 7, set for a July 16 premiere, a list of directors and runtimes has been announced along with rumors of some major set pieces and battles and airplane-sized dragons. Harry Potter star Jim Broadbent gave us surprising details of his “significant” role, while several notable returns have likely been revealed, along with unexpected MLB and musical cameos, and one recast.

We’ll see what other new photos or footage arise in the coming weeks, but watch the Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer below, and stay tuned.

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