Five Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Had a Purpose
I found a list online of everyday things you've probably never thought about. But they all have a purpose.
Here are five I liked . . .
1. The hole in the top of a pen cap. It's not some weird engineering thing that keeps it from drying out. It just makes the cap less of a hazard for little kids by keeping their airway open if they choke on it.
2. Sometimes when you buy nice clothes, there's an extra piece of fabric in one of the pockets. It's not there in case you need to make a patch. It's there so you can test laundry detergent on it.
3. The little "fifth pocket" in your jeans was originally there to hold a pocket watch. And the metal rivets prevent the seams from ripping.
4. On a measuring tape, there's usually a tiny hole in the hook at the end. It's there so you can hook it onto a nail or a screw. And the bottom of the hook usually has little teeth, so you can use it to mark drywall while you're measuring.
5. There's a soft plastic disc under the lid of a two-liter soda bottle. Even if you take it out, the bottle might not leak. But it has to be there to make it airtight. Otherwise it would go flat a lot faster.
IS YOUR MIND BLOWN? HAS YOUR WIG BEEN SNATCHED? ARE YOU SHOOKETH? I thought so. Now, we've all learned a little something today!
Usefully yours,
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