Over the past couple of years, policemen have fallen pretty far out of favor with some of the American people. The U.S. police force is in dire need of a little PR management, something that shows their sense of humor and gives a more human, relatable slant to the boys in blue.

Cue the Dallas-Forth Worth Police Department, who The Hollywood Reporter notes as having just released a new recruitment video nodding to the sizable contingent of prospective cops who also happen to be Star Wars megafans. In the clip, a member of the local law enforcement trains a new recruit down at the shooting range, but the fresh blood doesn’t have the best of aim. The video plays on the historically laughable marksmanship of the Stormtroopers in the Star Wars world, thousands of whom fire at Luke and his cohorts without landing a single shot. The policeman schools his new charge on proper firearm technique (2016 means instinctually flinching when a policeman puts six rounds right in the 10-range without changing his expression) and then chews out whichever Sith Lord referred this butterfingers.

It’s an amusing clip, but there’s still something undeniably unsettling about it. At the very least, the humorous button at the end of the clip shows that policemen are exercising extreme caution with the directions in which their weapons are pointed.

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