October is in full swing, and Halloween is right around the corner. If you're a movie nerd who's into dressing up for Halloween, picking your costume can be some serious business. But with only a few weeks left before The Big Day, you've got some choices to make. Wanna bro down with your buds and go as the Robert De Niros from 'Neighbors'? Or maybe you're a lady who wants to ditch the animal ears and do something much cooler this year. If you need help figuring it out, we've got a handy guide to Halloween costumes inspired by 2014 movie characters to help you get it together in time for the upcoming holiday, including what to buy and where to buy it.

  • Mason from 'Boyhood'

    Richard Linklater's 'Boyhood' is one of the most talked about films of the year, and now you can have one of the most talked about costumes at the party, if you can pull this off. The blue striped tee is the easy part, but emulating the iconic poster is where you'll have to get crafty. You'll need some sturdy foam board and fake grass from a craft supply store, or you can buy online. Glue that grass down to the board, strap it to yourself (after you let it dry, uh-doyyy), and strike a thoughtful pose wherever you go. Voila, 'Boyhood' on the go. And it didn't even take 12 years in the making.

  • Agatha from 'The Grand Budapest Hotel'

    For the more twee ladies among you, we've been #blessed with a new Wes Anderson film this year. And Saoirse Ronan's Agatha would make a terribly cute costume, especially because it's so fun to accessorize. It's difficult to find a dress that matches Agatha's precisely, but you can shop around and find one that's close in spirit, like this vintage-style grey dress. If it's cold out, you can pair it with a khaki trench similar to the one she wears, along with a grey knit infinity scarf. To get Agatha's birthmark, which is in the shape of Mexico and looks like a stain, try using a wine-colored lip stain. Toss your hair up in some braids with the help of some bobby pins -- if you need help, look to YouTube for a tutorial. Top it off with some cute 'Grand Budapest Hotel'-themed buttons or this adorable Mendl's box necklace from Etsy.

  • Robert De Niro Frat Bros from 'Neighbors'

    This Halloween costume has layers. Not only are you going as Zac Efron and Dave Franco's characters from one of the best comedies of the year, but you're going as them in their Robert De Niro costumes. It really only works if you have a friend, but it's super easy to pull off. You will need: a mohawk wig, a vintage-style Army jacket, some aviators, a red pullover sweater (seriously, I am pretty sure they sell these in bulk at Old Navy), a button-up shirt, and a fake Jinxy cat. Oh, and your best De Niro faces because you are going to be mugging so hard all night long. But don't even try to compete with Franco's De Niro face. Nothing compares.

  • Creepy Will Caster in 'Transcendence'

    Okay, we all know 'Transcendence' was kind of disappointing, but Johnny Depp as a creepy stalker OS is one of those WTF hilarious things ... as is this costume idea. It also lets you be kind of lazy and weird. You get to wear a robe (comfy!) and a black shirt, which you probably already have, but if you don't, it's not expensive. Then you get to be crafty, which is fun and impressive: purchase several short, black USB cords and glue them to a bald cap. Wear the bald cap and carry around a photo of Rebecca Hall because you are obsessed with her. Everything you do is for Rebecca Hall. You are assimilating an entire bowl of Fun Size Snickers at this Halloween party for Rebecca Hall.

  • Schmidt and Jenko from '22 Jump Street'

    This is another fun couples costume, and as a bonus, you get to carry around red Solo cups all night, which you will already likely be doing if you are at a Halloween party of any kind -- so we've already spared you an expense. Also cheap: colorful wayfarer sunglasses, which are easy to find online or at most party-type stores, and imitation ... errrr... "costume" police badges. The real expense comes from the shirts. You can find a Hawaiian shirt like Schmidt wears later in the film online pretty easily (they're out of season, so this is a good option), and as for the "Sun's out guns out" tank that Jenko wears, try Etsy, which is going to be cheaper than a bigger online retailer and better quality anyway. As a plus, you're supporting the little guys and gals. Pat yourself on the back and go party down (RESPONSIBLY).

  • 'Tammy'

    If you wanna get a little rowdy, why not dress up as the misguided but well-intentioned Tammy from 'Tammy'? The only bad news is that there's no way you can find her awesome Mahalo T-shirt because that sucker was a one-of-a-kind creation made just for the film -- bummer, I know. But the rest of the costume is easy and fun, and just involves a denim shirt, Tammy's signature Crocs, and a little DIY fun courtesy of a paper bag and a Sharpie marker. Make a couple of eye holes and a mouth hole, and then make an angry face with the marker, and then use another bag to hold all your fast food pies and your whiskey for grandma. Don't forget the whiskey for grandma ... or for yourself.

  • Godzilla

    Listen, this only works one way: you have to buy one of those dinosaur costumes for kids that is too small for your grown-ass self. If you select the proper costume after some clever shopping around, some slight modifications will make this look correct. You will be wearing what looks essentially like a shrunken hoodie -- you have to wear the hood part and the sleeves, though. The desired effect is a very fat Godzilla because, well, Godzilla is kind of a fatty (he does have cankles, after all). You can also get some reptile slippers. Godzilla also needs a giant fly swatter to swat all those pesky MUTOs that woke him up from his nap and made him so cranky. You should also bring a comfortable blanket because you are sleepy and just want to go back to bed. Show up like, halfway through the party to really make a statement, and at the end of the night, find a nice, quiet corner and pass out because you are friggin' tired.

  • 'Under the Skin'

    Get some serious indie cred and start some cool convos by dressing up as Scarlett Johansson's character from 'Under the Skin.' This might be easier for some ladies, who might have at least half of the items needed: some acid wash skinnies, ankle boots, and a pretty cardigan all seem basic enough. If it's cool enough out, you can splurge on the faux fur jacket, or you might luck out and find one at your local vintage/thrift shop. Now, if you're really committed to the costume, drive around while blasting the score and invite dudes into your kidnap-van so you can take them into the abyss, otherwise known as a Tuesday for YT.

  • Mason from 'Snowpiercer'

    Tilda Swinton is the queen of costume, and her Margaret Thatcher-esque character from 'Snowpiercer' is a total terror. Finding a purple skirt suit similar to hers might take some work, but this one should do the trick, or you can try your local thrift stores for something a little dowdier. Make sure to accessorize with her false teeth, using these costume hillbilly teeth available at most party and costume stores, a toy microphone, and a black hair barrette. For her eyewear, a vintage pair of rose-tinted glasses like these from Etsy should do quite nicely. And to top it all off, don't forget a brown shoe because no matter what, you must always know your place and be a shoe! Even better if you wear the shoe on your head all night.

  • Bob from 'The Drop' or 'John Wick'

    No matter which guy you choose to be, you get to have a puppy! 2014 is the year of tough dudes with cute puppies. Honestly, this costume works best if you have a real puppy, but I guess you can have a fake one. Whatever. If you want to be Tom Hardy's character from 'The Drop,' just choose a plaid shirt, a puffy vest, a sack of cash, and a stuffed dog that looks like a pit bull. Unfortunately, they don't make stuffed pit bull puppies because apparently there's some sort of stigma attached there. We should get Sarah McLachlan on that. If you want to be Keanu Reeves as John Wick, just get a black suit jacket, a black tie, and a cutie patootie little beagle. But seriously, this works so much better if you have a real puppy because then everyone will pay attention to you all night.

  • Adam and Eve from 'Only Lovers Left Alive'

    One last couples costume, and one more Tilda Swinton costume because, as previously mentioned, homegirl is a queen. Also, who doesn't want to emulate Tom Hiddleston?! Now you can -- well, kind of. No one can actually come close to that. This is also probably the comfiest and coolest and most Halloweeny costume on the list. You get to wear luxurious robes and drink wine that looks like blood, and carry around a guitar and wear sunglasses INDOORS without being labeled a douchebag. If you're so inclined, you can also make some "blood popsicles" using some popsicle molds and a recipe, like this one for blood orange popsicles.


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