Why Has Missouri Gone 7 Months with No Mountain Lion Sightings?
I've lived in Missouri a majority of my life so I understand that the word "weird" is actually normal here. However, I find it weird or odd or strange or whatever word you choose to use that Missouri as of today has had zero mountain lion sightings for a full 7 months.
According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, this is the last confirmed mountain lion sighting in the state. It happened on February 13, 2024 exactly 7 months to the day from now.
According to the state's official database, there were nearly half a dozen big cat sightings in 2023. Where did all the big cats go? It was only a few years ago where many news outlets were reporting about mountain lion sightings in Missouri being on the rise.
If you look at a map shared by the American Scientist, you'll see numerous mountain lion/cougar sightings in Missouri. Yet, the Missouri Department of Conservation says "there is no evidence of a breeding population", but they do recognize that there have been sightings in "Lewis, Madison, Warren, Wayne, and St. Louis counties". No kidding. Just look at the Missouri sightings map.
I have to wonder if the state of Missouri has raised its standard for what it considers a "confirmed" mountain lion sightings. I hear anecdotal stories all the time from people around Missouri (and especially ranchers) who swear they've seen big cats lurking in the nearby woods not far from their cattle. Could it be that the sightings haven't been reduced, but the standard to confirm them has been raised? I'm asking because I don't know.
All I do know is that it is odd for Missouri to go a full 7 months with absolutely zero mountain lion sightings. Where have all the big cats gone?
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Gallery Credit: obsoleteVoids via YouTube