Today (Jan. 22) is the anniversary of the landmark case of Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision made in 1973. This decision granted women the right to abort their baby and ever since then, Pro-Life groups have gathered together on Jan. 22 to bring awareness to one day either overturn the decision and/or bring awareness to life options that are available and not kill the unborn baby.

Pro-Life supporters gathered at the Pettis County Courthouse, led by Bonnie Diefendorf of the Sedalia Chapter of Right to Life. The Boy Scouts of Troop 54, presented the colors and Pettis County Presiding Commisioner, David Dick, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were songs sung by the St. Paul's 7th/8th Grade Choir and the Sacred Heart Junior High Choir.

Debbie Bolin, a Sacred Heart School Campus Minister and teacher delivered the keynote address. "There is so much senseless killing in the world today," said Debbie Bolin. "We must all work together to educate our young people in every aspect of life. Education is freedom the more you know the better decisions you can make."

Bolin brought up that each life is precious and that no matter what illness or reason given to abort a baby, parents need to give the baby a chance. "Even if you take the morning after pill or the abortion pill there are still painful side effects for the women for weeks after the pills," Bolin went on to say. "A tragedy does not fix a tragedy."

Speakers at the event cited that Missouri has made 45 pro-life laws since the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision. Last year state reps, even passed a law that requires a 72-hour reflection period before an abortion.

After the keynote address, Carol Schibi led the gathering in a pledge of re-commitment to life, with a benediction from Father Deo Mulokozi of the Sacred Heart Church.

The gathering then went to Calvary Cemetery to place 42 red roses at the Innocents Memorial that commemorates the 56 million victims of abortion.

The Sedalia Chapter of the Missouri Right to Life meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Boonslick Regional Library.

In addition to the Sedalia service there is also one set in Warrensburg tonight (Jan. 22). Everyone is invited to attend the annual Candlelight Children’s Memorial Vigil Service at the Bethel Baptist Church, 416 Northwest Highway 13 at 7 p.m.  For further information, call Tom Fitzpatrick at 660-747-5026.

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