Replica Tickets Are Now a Thing in the Age of Digital Ticketing
The ticket stubs from your favorite concerts, baseball, or football games, are great free mementos to remind you of a fun night had with family or friends. Yet with tickets on your phone, ticket stubs are becoming a thing of the past. So some collectors are having replica tickets printed and adding those to their collections.
There's even one ticket company that uses the printing of a replica ticket as a major selling point for their service. They call their company Stubforge, and they'll print you a replica ticket to stand in for that digital ticket that's on your phone, or print you a replica ticket to fill in the gaps of your ticket collection.
Stubforge says they're, "A site that lets you design concert & event tickets." Now, you're not going to get a ticket that looks EXACTLY like you would have gotten at Ticketmaster. Or from the Royals, or Chiefs, or T-Mobile Center. You're going to get a Stubforge branded ticket stub. That said, you can customize it with all the same information that would have been on a printed ticket had you been given one. And they buy the same ticket stock as Ticketmaster.
I'm not a big-ticket collector. I have a few concert tickets I've kept over the years. But I never put them in an album. Or put them someplace special. Most of the time I kept them around until I did a big cleaning project and pitched them. Especially tickets from Ticketmaster that were printed on Ticketmaster ticket stock when I bought them. They just weren't that special in my opinion.
Now the Royals ticket from my family's first trip to Kansas City in 1979. That was printed by the Royals with the price of how much it cost to sit in the left-field seats back then. I love it. Gotta keep it. Those old school tickets printed before the computer era from the sports teams or the venues, yeah those I find fascinating. The average Ticketmaster printed ticket, not so much. But that's just me.
I can see where if it's a tradition to save ticket stubs, it could become problematic for the collector as digital ticketing becomes more and more standard. Sure at times, you can pick up hard tickets at the box office. But many times you can't. So I looked to see how big a deal replica tickets were, and if many other ticket companies offered the same services.
I found that plenty of companies offer to print tickets for events, weddings, and the like. But none market in the way Stubforge does, as a surrogate hard printed ticket for your ticket collection. It's an interesting way to drum up extra business.
Prices start at $5.00 for one ticket and decrease from there. If you're interested in checking out their services you can check their site out here. And it does make me wonder, how long until Ticketmaster starts offering to send you a "hard copy" of your digital ticket as a memento for an upcharge?
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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus