With a new Power Rangers movie opening in theaters in mere days, interest in the the ’90s children television show is reaching a fever pitch. You can relive the entire series in an eyeball-obliterating marathon, or eat Power Rangers donuts until your colon morphs into a giant fire-spewing monster. Or, if you want to get really crazy, you can buy the original Rangers film, 1995’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, on VHS, because Amazon still has it on sale for some reason.

You read that right. As of this writing, on Monday, March 13 in the year our Lord (Zedd) 2017, Amazon continues to offer the timeless, still-relevant VHS tape of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. And this remarkable collector’s item — which, we should also note, is brand new in its packaging to ensure that it maintains its tens of ones of dollars in value  is on sale for the absurdly low price of $13.93. (Unfortunately, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie on VHS is not eligible for Amazon Prime, so you’ll have to pony up an extra $4 in shipping.)


Interested parties better hurry though: Right now there is only one copy left in stock. If it sells out, though, don’t worry; if you’re one of the lucky few who’ve upgraded your home entertainment center to the latest in cutting edge “digital video disc” technology (known in some advanced circles as “D.V.D.”) Amazon has that in stock as well. (There are a few used copies on eBay too.) Or you could follow Amazon’s advice to me and buy WWE champ Bill Goldberg’s latest action-adventure spectacle Check Point. I’m sure that’ll be just as entertaining.

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