
Our Listeners Love Reality TV in the Summer
Our Listeners Love Reality TV in the Summer
Our Listeners Love Reality TV in the Summer
Recently, I asked what are you watching on television this summer. It seems the major networks have issued more first run shows this summer than in a long time. Most the shows are reality in nature, but nothing appears to be stopping CBS with 'Under the Dome,' which has had over 11 million viewers according to Nielson. That is definitely the show that I'm watching, and not missing an episode of on
Where’s My Stuff?
Where’s My Stuff?
Where’s My Stuff?
I've been married over 25 years now, but I was a bachelor for quite a while before I got married. During the time I was a bachelor and living on my own, roaming the countryside, I accumulated lots of stuff. Guy stuff, useful important stuff, MY STUFF.