
Can You Shave Your Neck for No Shave November? [POLL]
Can You Shave Your Neck for No Shave November? [POLL]
Can You Shave Your Neck for No Shave November? [POLL]
I'm sure most of you know it's No Shave November. Guys everywhere grow out their beards for an entire month to raise awareness for prostate cancer. A few of us here at the station are doing it, and we've already come across a dilemma we need help with: can we shave our necks?
Goodbye Beard
Goodbye Beard
Goodbye Beard
Today was the end of the beard-growing fun for me. People kept asking me if the beard was growing on me, and while it may have been growing, it is definitely not for me. I kept the beard for some family photos during my nephew's graduation, and then Harry from Huntin' and Fishin' with Harry said last week that he'd get a lot of people calling into the station to get me to have him trim my beard wi
Detroit Red Wings Eliminated from NHL Playoffs, Doug’s Beard Growing Comes to an End
Detroit Red Wings Eliminated from NHL Playoffs, Doug’s Beard Growing Comes to an End
Detroit Red Wings Eliminated from NHL Playoffs, Doug’s Beard Growing Comes to an End
As you may know, I love the game of hockey and the Detroit Red Wings. This year I made the decision to grow a beard during the playoffs, similar to when players in the NHL grow one until they lose in their round. I joined the beard-a-thon sponsored by Just For Men as a page to post my beard photos as it went from totally shaven to what you see now.