
“Love Gone Wrong” Story Submission: Three’s a Crowd
“Love Gone Wrong” Story Submission: Three’s a Crowd
“Love Gone Wrong” Story Submission: Three’s a Crowd
Here we go again with another listener's tale of "Love Gone Wrong."  This date is more like a "gathering" than a date.  After all, a date usually implies two people.  If you're going to have a third wheel with you on your first date, it's probably not a great idea to bring your ex-girlfriend along...
Getting Revenge On Your Ex [SURVEY]
Getting Revenge On Your Ex [SURVEY]
Getting Revenge On Your Ex [SURVEY]
One of my friends decided that it would be a good idea to sell what her ex-boyfriend left at her place.  She waited the requisite 30 days then sold it off CHEAP.  There were some really nice items that were sold at 20% of their value.  I think she took a short trip with the money.