
104-Year-Old Granny Is World’s Oldest Paraglider
104-Year-Old Granny Is World’s Oldest Paraglider
104-Year-Old Granny Is World’s Oldest Paraglider
Peggy McAlpine (yes, high altitude is in her name) first set the Guinness World Record for oldest paraglider five years ago when she was just 99-years-old. But earlier this year, 101-year-old American Mary Allen Hardison broke that record. So was McAlpine, now 104, going to let that slide? No.
Two-Year-Old Rides Toy Bike Three Miles In Bid To See Sick Grandmother
Two-year old Noah Joel really wanted to see his sick grandmother in the hospital. So he pulled a stunt that darn near gave his mom a heart attack. The toddler from Hameln, Germany snuck out his room when his mother thought he was playing. Then he grabbed his trusty toy bike and paddled toward where he believed the hospital and his granny to be. For provisions, Joel filled a backpack with candy. Re