I'll say from the start that I know this part of Illinois and I think the term "poor" is subjective and the very few people that live there would not consider themselves that. However, going purely by data, it is the poorest town in Illinois with only 32 people that call it home.
Wealth is very much a subjective thing. What one person might consider a pittance would feel like a fortune to someone else. How much do people think (key word) they need to live comfortably in Illinois? The numbers are ridiculous.
Missouri has a billion dollars in unclaimed property that is never spoken for. There's a one in ten chance that they have something meant for you based on statistics. There's an easy way to find out if you're one of the lucky ones.
I think it's safe to say that most people have a goal of retiring 'comfortably', but what does that mean exactly? If you plan to sail off into a golden sunset in Missouri, you better start saving based on a number I've just seen shared that puts a mammoth price on the word 'comfortably'.
I want to be clear that I love the people of Kentucky and I don't want anyone there to misunderstand what I'm about to share. But, the poorest county in Illinois based on new data really should just be a part of Kentucky. I'll explain why.
They're shelling out $45 MILLION to people who made fresh purchases from October of 2018 to this past January, which covers five years, and I'm sure we've pretty much all been to the lovely land of WM in that time.