
Avatar Press Launches Kickstarter For Gillen & Gete’s ‘Uber: Invasion’
Avatar Press Launches Kickstarter For Gillen & Gete’s ‘Uber: Invasion’
Avatar Press Launches Kickstarter For Gillen & Gete’s ‘Uber: Invasion’
Kieron Gillen's alternate-history World War II comic Uber has grown over the past few years into the backbone of Avatar Press' overall line and is one of the publisher's most well-received and critically acclaimed comics. Along with artists such as Canaan White, Gabriel Andrade, and current artist Daniel Gete, Gillen has built a rich and detailed world where the Nazis breakthrough in creating supermen turned the tide of the war forever. The first volume of Uber ended on a major cliffhanger, and yesterday Avatar Press launched a Kickstarter to raise funds towards the next volume of the title --- titled Uber: Invasion --- which sees the superpowered soliders of Nazi Germany heading the invasion of the United States of America.