Kids, my favorite band of all time is The Beatles.  They have been my favorites since I was about 13. I found them the way most kids do; through my parents.  I had just moved into a new bedroom, to have all to myself, and my father let me take down a little radio/tape/record player combo.  I didn't have any records other than Totally Minnie, however.  So I borrowed some of his and my mother's, to have something to play.

This greatest hits of the Beatles' early era was the first one I sampled.  I figured, it's two albums, so that means more bang for whatever I chose to bring downstairs.

It was not unlike other bands I had found in my youth;  I loved REM, the Beastie Boys, and I admit I had a huge crush on Keanu Reeves, so I also really liked Paula Abdul because he was in her video.

And no, I don't wanna hear it from any of you.  I loved Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, okay?  I loved Keanu.  We had something special.  Anyway, I digress.

The Beatles soon became my favorites, and I devoured everything I could in quick succession. I bought tapes, I borrowed albums, I read books, I did everything I could to find out more.  Over the years, I found, bought and listened to just about every track I could find.

I thought I'd share an early song that you may not have heard by one of the biggest bands of all time. They did a lot of songwriting for other artists in their early years.  They had been told time and time again that "guitar groups are on the way out," and they believed it.  So they wanted to make a career out of songwriting, not unlike Carole King or Neil Diamond or Boyce & Hart.

This song, called "I"ll Be On My Way" was one of those songs.  It was written and given to Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas, another "Liverpool Group" at the time. I don't even think it was a single, I think it was a B-side of one of the group's singles.

So, there you have it.  One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite groups.

Tell me about yours!  Give me an idea of what your favorite "unknown" songs are by your favorite artists.

Secretly yours,

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