If you are an uninsured or underinsured adult struggling with multiple emergency room visits, mental health issues, substance use disorders, and or homelessness or know someone who is, the United Way of Pettis County reminds you Burrell Behavioral Health has an Emergency Room Enhancement (ERE) Program that might be able to help.

The program works by helping folks who fit the above criteria find the services they need to address a variety of services, including behavioral health, physical health, and basic needs.

An ERE specialist will help the client locate resources, apply for services, set appointments, and provide accurate information. The specialist will also advocate for the client and provide follow-ups where appropriate.

Burrell Behavioral Health's ERE Program serves clients in Boone, Carroll, Chariton, Cooper, Howard, Randolph, Saline, Pettis, Morgan, and Moniteau Counties.

ERE specialists can help clients access community resources to establish mental and physical health care, obtain vital documents, apply for Medicaid or insurance, apply for Disability and/or Housing, access employment/vocational services, and locate and establish ongoing care.

Please see the one-sheet from Burrell Behavioral Health on the United Way of Pettis County's Facebook page for more information and to find out who to contact to access Burrell's ERE Program.

Burrell Behavioral Health's Crisis Hotline is 1-800-395-2132.

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