This kangaroo may have been hopping mad.

In the wake of the video that made the rounds over the last week of a man slugging a kangaroo that put his dog in a headlock, we offer up this gem.

This is an old clip of Willard the boxing kangaroo, a marsupial that, as you can guess by the name, has taken up an interest in pugilism. In fact, Willard can't hold back when his trainers brought him onto a local news program. We're not sure when this was taped, but it doesn't really matter because it's timeless.

Decked out in gloves, Willard is ready to pounce like a bully going after your lunch money and is as relentless as a heavyweight challenger determined to take the title belt from the champ. The only problem, of course, is this is a kangaroo, not Mike Tyson. Maybe someone ought to get him into the ring with this guy.

All we know is Willard is not someone we want to meet in a dark alley. Or a well-lit one, for that matter.

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