Grocery Pickup Coming to Sedalia and I Couldn’t Be Happier
My wife Kathy and I have gotten spoiled over the past several years using Walmart grocery pickup. So when we learned there wasn't grocery pick up at the Sedalia Walmart, we were a little dissapointed. According to the Walmart Sedalia Facebook page that all changes May 30 and we couldn't be happier.
If you've never used a grocery pick up service you may be thinking, what's the big deal? Shopping isn't that difficult. For us there's two reasons we like the grocery pick up service: Kathy has some mobility issues and it can be hard for her to spend an hour to ninety minutes on her feet shopping. That means shopping falls to me. While I don't mind pushing a cart around the store, It's not always fun to go do a week's shopping after work, or devote part of Saturday morning to the chore. So for me it's a time saver.
In my mind that's the big benefit. It saves time. Kathy makes the list on the grocery app. We choose a time to pick the gorceries up. They bring them out and pack them in the car and you're good to go.
The drawbacks: The first few times you use the app, it can be hard to find the specific brands or items you want. Secondly, if you haven't paid a lot of attention to the sizes of the groceries you're buying, you can wind up with an overly gigantic bottle of ketchup. In fact, that still happens to us from time to time. Also, there seems to be some products you can get in the store, that you can't find on the app. That can be frustrating too.
And substitutions. Walmart gives you the option to let them substitute items. Sometimes it works out fine. Othertimes it can be trainwreck. Like when they substitute regular soda for diet. Or a raspberry danish for a cheese danish. The good news is you don't have to accept substitutions and you can refuse them on the app if you want. And sometimes, they'll give you a bigger size for the smaller size price.
Walmart grocery pick up is free, and if you're not a Walmart shopper, Woods Supermakrets in Sedalia also offers grocery pick up. (We like the pick up service so much we started looking for alternatives.) They offer the service for free if you order over $30 in groceries.
If you work hard. If you're busy. If you want to save some time. Or do your shopping from the couch, it's a service you should try. I think it'll make your life a little easier, It has ours.