If You’re Giving Something Up For Lent, What Will It Be?
Lent is here, which means tons of people will eat fish instead of red meat today and then say, "Yep, I'm good 'til next year." But what are people TRYING to give up for Lent? For that, we turn to Twitter.
A website called OpenBible tracked nearly 100,000 tweets over the past week, where people discussed giving up something for Lent.
The top 10 things are: School . . . chocolate . . . Twitter, ironically . . . social networking . . . alcohol . . . swearing . . . soda . . . candy . . . fast food . . . and college.
I'm not quite sure how you give up "school" for Lent, but clearly a lot of the cool kids are doing it these days. There are some other pretty funny things in the top 100. People giving up Lent itself came in 12th . . . sex is 17th . . . Netflix is 24th . . . Chipotle is 34th . . . marijuana is 43rd . . . virginity is 44th . . . and selfies are 64th.
Porn came in 79th, with only 122 total tweets . . . even Lent can't break THAT habit.
I don't think I'll be giving anything up for Lent, but hey, maybe I should. I wonder if you can give up being lazy for Lent.
If you're going to give up something for Lent, what will it be?
Lazily yours,
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