This weekend is the season finale of Saturday Night Live and Mick Jagger is going to serve as the host of the show. 

I'm a person who doesn't really like to go out hoopin an hollerin on a Saturday. I prefer to sit at home with a nice boy or something and hang out there.  One of my weekly things I like to do is watch Saturday Night Live, since I'm a huge comedy nerd.

Now, I'm not sure why Jagger is doing this.  As you can see, he's not the most agile actor.  He's a little wooden.  He practically looks like a walking corpse next to Kristen Wiig, but I'm sure that he'll have plenty of fun with it.  I'm looking forward to seeing the musical guest, which is going to be The Arcade Fire with Jeff Beck.  They've been on the show before.

I know most people think they might be a bit odd, but I like their originality. I'm definitely going to be watching because this looks to be the last episode for three of my favorite cast members: Jason Sudeikis, Kristen Wiig, and Andy Samberg.


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So what do you think?  Do you think Mick will be funny?  Do you think he'll make a musical appearance?  Expect to see any other Stones there?  I have a feeling we'll see Jimmy Fallon reprise his Mick Jagger impression, but time will tell and we'll see Saturday.

Rockingly yours, Behka

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