As we get closer to Mother's Day, we'd like to share some of our favorite "Mommy Madness" story submissions that you, our listeners, sent to us.

Pets are great to have around the house and can be great for small children.  It's just that sometimes those small children can prove to be a little hazardous to the pets...

When my youngest was around three years old, I was having a huge gallbladder attack. While I was praying to the bathroom god, I hollered at my oldest to check on his sister. He came in and said, "Mom, don't panic...but she's buttered the dog!"

I went to the kitchen and saw my 3-year-old, her long pig tails sticking straight out compliments of Blue Bonnet. I looked down to see our wonderful dog looking at me with her big brown eyes while as had clumps of butter hanging off her fur everywhere!

I took the dog outside and through my daughter into the tub. It took a lot of Dawn dish soap to get all that butter out of her hair. I then spent the next three hours washing the dog with Dawn as well. I went through three bottles of Dawn and 12 sticks of butter that day...

Ugh.  If you thought your wet dog smelled bad, try buttered dog.  We'll post another Mommy Madness story tomorrow!

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