I can answer one of Sedalia's biggest questions over the last 48 hours since they started to tear down what is now known as the Healthy Habits building at State Fair Shopping Center. That question is: Is the Iconic State Fair Smokestack attached to or adjacent to the building coming down, too?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. While driving by, I saw some construction workers pulling the iconic red neon State Fair signs off the stack, so I stopped and chatted with one of them. The worker, who declined to give his name but permitted me to pass along the information he gave me, said the smokestack was indeed coming down.

The worker told me that even if the Healthy Habits building had remained, the stack would probably have to come down soon because it was nearing the end of its structural life. The letters from the sign and their neon tubing are being carefully removed and will be saved.

So yes, Sedalia is losing an iconic landmark. Yes, in some ways, I'm disappointed in that. Yet I take comfort in knowing it's not coming down or being bulldozed in the name of progress but because the infrastructure around it is at its life's end.

I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps a tower could be part of a new building in that same spot, and the lights could shine again.

Or maybe the Missouri State Fair could find a place on the fairgrounds for them. I have several ideas on how the Fair could use them. Every year, Wade Shows puts up an archway welcoming people to the carnival midway; perhaps the Fair could build a permanent archway using the sign welcoming people to the carnival. Or welcome people to the Fair by creating an archway at one of the ends of Missouri State Fair Boulevard. Or mount them at the top of the grandstand right in the center so anyone looking towards the grandstand from the midway that leads to the carnival could see them.

Perhaps the State Fair sign could also become part of the Trails End Monument, maybe mounted behind and above the railroad cars and lit up at night. That would be nice because residents and visitors could enjoy the sign all year round, not just during the fair.

I genuinely believe that while we may be saying goodbye to one of Sedalia's cherished landmarks, it opens the door for us to come together and create something new, all while honoring our history. Let’s embrace this opportunity to shape a bright future together!

5 Words That Will Ruin A Sedalian's Day

I recently asked you to ruin a Sedalian's day in five words or less on Facebook. Here's what you told me.

Gallery Credit: Rob Creighton

Take A Look At These Very Classic Missouri State Fair Photos

The Missouri State Fair was established in 1901 and has called Sedalia its home ever since. In 2024 the Fair's theme is Summer's Best Story. Here's proof that the Missouri State Fair is Summer's Best Story every summer for many people. Enjoy these pictures and postcards from the Missouri State Fair from The State Historical Society of Missouri, including one of our state's most favorite sons.

Gallery Credit: Rob Creighton

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