A dog-friendly "egg hunt" is a wonderful way to engage your furry companion, allowing you to tap into your pup's incredible sense of smell and enhance their scent-tracking abilities.
All of our pets are precious angels that have never, ever done anything wrong. And while I'm sure yours are too, I thought we'd discuss this just to be safe. After all, you're probably away from home all day, and they're alone with that tree......
So, I decided to try that to talk about the joys of what's going on in my household lately. Now keep in mind, I'm not saying this is GOOD. This is just... a thing I did.
He sure was calm when it happened. That's all I can say about a Missouri guy who was approached by a black timber wolf in southern Missouri. He also has the video to prove it happened, too.
She just sits around and takes up space while I do all the work. I know you guys are probably thinking I'm being petty and a horrible co-worker. But I have PROOF.
I just told you that you're going to get peed on by random bugs that hibernate for long enough to get a driver's license. And that sounds disgusting, right? Well, it's really kind of okay.
This is both heartwarming and enraging at the same time. A cleanup crew in Missouri was looking for locations in the St. Louis area this week when they found something awful and unexpected. It was a puppy that someone had thrown away. Fear not though as this is one Missouri puppy tale (or is that tail?) that has a very happy ending.