Morning Show

Behka’s Breakfast with the Beatles Begins on 92.3 BOB-FM Next Week
Behka’s Breakfast with the Beatles Begins on 92.3 BOB-FM Next Week
Behka’s Breakfast with the Beatles Begins on 92.3 BOB-FM Next Week
Think I could fit more B words into that title?  You're welcome.  Well, if you're like me, and I know I am, you're a huge Beatles fan.  They're just one of those groups that I just always go back to, like a touchstone of my tastes.  I thought we'd do something different here on the show starting next week, and hopefully you'll enjoy it.
Win Prizes With Behka
Win Prizes With Behka
Win Prizes With Behka
I've been hosting our morning show for a while now, and you guys are getting really good at our movie trivia game, Movie Ponderance.  Well now, you're gonna have even more ways to win great stuff with some new games!
Behka In The Morning
Behka In The Morning
Behka In The Morning
Kids, today I attempted to wedge my feet into the ever impressive shoes of Denny Perkins and took over for the Morning Show.  As of right now, I'm not sure if it's 100% permanent, but I hope it will be.  I thought maybe we could take a second and talk about that, and then maybe we'll all have an idea of what to expect.