Dog toys come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, but are they safe for your pet?

A lot of dog toy manufacturers have only one goal in mind – to make that sale. Some dog toys can even be found at bargain stores for as little as a dollar. No matter what they look like or how much you pay for them, there are many details to take into consideration.

What should you look for when purchasing for your pooch? Fidose of Reality makes the job of being a dog mom or dad much easier with a list of what to avoid when choosing your next purchase. Don’t forget, he is counting on you to take care of him.

Consideration should also be taken when purchasing toys for your pet that seem indestructible. When you have a larger dog or a dog with more powerful jaws, you tend to be more concerned with toys that may fall apart or toys that have parts that can easily dislodge and end up in your dog’s throat. Dog Health News lists the dangers of these types of toys for us to think through.

Dogs are more than pets. They are family, our closest companions, forms of entertainment/amusement, and are more loyal than we sometimes deserve for them to be.  How can we repay them? One way is by making sure that those fun toys we buy for them are also safe for them to play with.

Stephanie Zieber, Thinkstock

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