You Know You’re From Sedalia When…..
Sedalia has our own flavor of weird. Our flavor of weird shows in some of these signs - you know you're from Sedalia when...
1. You spend a good twenty minutes arguing about peanut butter on a hamburger.
2. You avoid going out Sunday afternoons - there are too many people out after church.
3. You have seen at least one person riding a lawnmower like a car.
4. Somebody in your neighborhood has spray painted their names on their trash cans.
5. You catch yourself speeding along 3rd street until you get close to Sacred Heart.
6. You have at least one commemorative t-shirt from the Missouri State Fair.
7. You keep calling the Woods on South Limit "Bing's" or "Bing's Woods".
8. You listen to the police reports for names of people you knew in high school.
9. You pick up another blue Plainsman bag from your front yard.
10. You know there are several parks throughout town, but you only go to "yours".
What are some of your "You Know You're From Sedalia" signs?
Locally yours,