Sports fans love rivalries, especially on the local scene. This area is blessed with some great rivalries, and there is none bigger than Smith-Cotton versus Warrensburg. Both of these teams are named the Tigers, and every year their football teams battle for the Silver Tiger Trophy. Players and coaches from both teams circle this date when they play, and the game is coming: Friday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. This may be the final rumble in the confines of Jennie Jaynes Stadium since Smith-Cotton is building a new athletic complex that should open next year.Both teams have had a struggling start this season. Smith-Cotton is 1-3 with their only win against Orchard Farm. This season the Smith-Cotton Tigers have scored 68 points and allowed 134. Meanwhile, the Warrensburg Tigers have not been able to get a win in their four games so far. Warrensburg has scored 13 points and allowed 172.

One thing is for sure, these two teams always put their best on when they play each other, and it's usually a close game. Last year, Smith-Cotton won with a score of 21-18. Smith-Cotton won in 2011 (30-27) and the last time Warrensburg won was in 2010 when they won 21-20.

The National Weather Service is expecting it to be a mild game with temperatures during the day at 85 and the temperatures at night should drop to 62. So we hope Jennie Jaynes will be packed one more time with this rivalry game.

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