Kids, this edition of the Stash is... well, it's weird and not weird.  It's a little of both.  

Educators across the country are always trying to engage kids in their subject.  They've done that for years and years and tried different methods.  Sometimes it just takes a little reaching out to do something different.

This is exactly what one music teacher did in the late seventies.  It was up in British Columbia.  The teacher didn't really know what to have his kids sing for the school concert, so he asked them.  They listed off many of the rock hits of the day - and they did them.   Then, the concerts were actually made into albums, so the families could have them.  They were virtually forgotten about until some thirty odd years later.  It was re-released, only on a wide scale this time, as 'Innocence and Despair:  The Langley Schools Music Project.'

It's quite strange how well the kids sing these songs, although the performance in and of itself isn't necessarily anything special.  They believed in this music, and they gave it their all.  It was embraced as "outsider music" in recent years, and I had the CD myself.  So I thought I'd share one of the songs from it, where the kids do their version of "Space Oddity" by David Bowie.

Langley yours,


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