It's one of the questions I get a lot when someone finds out I work in radio.  "Do you get to interview famous people?"Yes. I've interviewed Foreigner, Foghat, Ted Nugent, Charlie Daniels, Jake Owen, Scotty McCreery, Pat Travers, Florida Georgia Line, tons of people. I probably forgot about a few, to be honest.  But this is my first interview with a Celebrity Dog. Here is an exclusive talk with the winner of our Bark Madness contest, who was named at Yappy Hour as Spokesdog.  He came to talk about his experiences and the upcoming Bark in the Park event.  Luckily for you, I speak dog.  Here's our translated conversation.

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Behka:  Well hello, Dallas, thank you for stopping by the studios. How are you feeling today as the Sedalia Parks and Recreation's official Spokesdog?

Dallas:  It's a lot of pressure, but I'm coping with it pretty well.

Behka:  Pressure?

Dallas:  Of course.  I have to look good at all times.  I can't just have a "bad ear day". I can't just show up somewhere with a shabby collar. My nails have to be properly trimmed at all times. I'm representing all the dogs in our area, and all the Sedalia Parks.  I have to maintain my figure, you know.  The paparazzi are relentless. One bad pic, and I can't get on Twitter for days.

Behka: But with that pressure, surely there's a lot of fun perks to being Spokesdog?

Dallas:  Oh, sure. There's a reason everyone is jealous of me.  You wouldn't believe the petting I get.  Everywhere I go, people want to scritch my ears.  And the treats.  It's amazing, we're running out of room for all the treats.  If I ate all the treats... well, it would send me down a dark road of addiction.  Luckily for the common good I keep myself in check.

Behka:  I guess people are grateful to you?

Dallas:  Oh, definitely.  I appreciate all their love and support.  To the fans out there, keep wagging!

Behka: Keep wagging? Is that a catchphrase?

Dallas:  It's a little something my fans and I say to each other.  We like to stay positive, so we tell each other to just keep your ears up and your tail wagging.

Behka:  Do you have many fans?

Dallas: *Laughs for a solid three minutes*  ........You have seen me, right? I'm the Sedalia Parks and Recreation SPOKESDOG.  That makes me Top Dog.

Behka:  Oh.  I hesitate to ask, but don't you think your fame has gotten to your head a little?

Dallas:  Of course not.  I'm just as humble and grounded as I was before I won Bark Madness and broke records all over town. *Assistant applies paw oil, another assistant appears with water*  Not now, Karen!!

Karen: Yes sir, sorry sir.

Behka:  What do you have planned this year for your press tour as Spokesdog?

Dallas:  Well, it's a packed schedule.  Between the photoshoots and the live appearances, the fan walks.... It's crazy.  But fun. I think I'm going to just get a stamp made of my paw to cut down on autograph time.  *Assistant fans Dallas' face*  I'm going to try to keep surprising the fans with quality content. I'm all about fan service.

Behka:  Do you have any advice for who could be next year's Spokesdog?

Dallas:  Prepare for a wild ride.  Wear your leash with pride. Keep your eyes wide.

Behka: .............Did you just rhyme?

Dallas: It's a talent of mine.  Amongst many others.  Karen, what's wrong with this potato?  Does she not know who I am?

Behka: But you're a dog.

Dallas: I'm THE dog, excuse you.

Behka: Okay, I think we've learned enough today, thank you for your time.

Dallas:  Karen! Where are my sunglasses!?  Let's get going, I meet Pierre for my grooming in ten!

So, prepare for some fun with the next Bark in the Park event. Come out to Liberty Park and celebrate National Dog Day on August 24th.   Treats, games, dog contest, vendors, food trucks, silent auction, and more will be at the park for this event. They're also taking donations for the Sedalia Animal Shelter.  What they need are: bleach, paper towels, trash bags, dog & cat treats, and laundry detergent.

Don't miss  out on the fun!

Interviewingly yours,


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