Husbando And I Bicker About The Cold (Bet You Do, Too)
It's cold out there, and it's supposed to keep getting colder this month. Or warmer. Or colder. Or both. You know how Missouri works. Which means it's time for COLD RAGE. It's been a few years now, and Husbando and I have our routines for when the weather turns colder. It seems like we have the same little spats every time!
#1.) Whether or not to turn up the heat (I say no, use a blanket. We literally have a whole storage tub full of blankets next to the couch. And HOW MANY sweaters, hoodies, and cardigans?!).
#2.) Whether or not to open the windows to let fresh air in (We don't, although sometimes I want to. The cats always, always want us to).
#3.) Whether or not to turn down the heat to save money (I'm the frugal one. It doesn't cost anything for you to put on a sweater, bucko!).
#4.) Someone using up all the hot water (I don't know where he gets this, I take literally less than five minutes in the shower).
#5.) Someone taking a hot bath instead of a quick shower (Why? WHY.)
But I don't think we bicker that much, and we manage to keep pretty warm. I mean sure, he steals the covers (and then denies it), but he is a human furnace, so he manages to keep me warm. Just put on some good heavy socks, grab a blanky, and you're set, right?
What kind of spats does your household have over the cold?
Warmly yours,
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