So last night, I watched the "Voice" finals, pretty good show.  I was happy Chris Mann didn't win. After him, they were all good, however one thing kinda bothered me. That girl whoever she is in the Sprint Lounge doing the interviews.."Let's go talk to my boy or my girl"  "You are TRENDING right now:" etc.  I swear she speaks in a language I'm not familiar with.

But it did get me to thinking: what exactly is "Trending"  and why is it important?  So trying to stay hip (not breaking one), I looked up the word trending in the Urban Dictionary, and this is the  definition it gave me:
"Trending" is a mutilation of the English language that means "currently popular." It derives from a sad misunderstanding of the verb "to trend" as meaning "to become a trend."
Well even with my limited University of  Wyoming education, I know this means popular. A popularity contest, probably started by computer geeks so they could be popular too.
I can just see the guys from the Big Bang Theory sitting around the comic book store, trying to figure out a way to measure their popularity amongst other geeks..poof! The trend is born!  Then, all it took was just one Penny tweet showing a little leg and it caught on with the whole world.
So now I'm wondering about the social implications. Will there be trending bullying? "You suck at your tweets go back to myspace loser," or like the crazy cheerleading moms, will my mom track down Behka if she trends more than me? "Watch yourself "catlady."
How important is trending and just how is this measured?  Evidently, it's pretty important? Look at the top of this page and you can see what's trending on our websites, you will also see nothing from Doug...

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